Picture1.Line (i, Picture1.ScaleHeight)-(i, 0), RGB(0, 0, i) 'this makes a wash from black to blue
Next i
End Sub 'it draws a line and every line it draws the value of the rgb gets +1
'creating a gradient effect
'same for the radial gradient, just drawing circles
Private Sub Cmdrgradient_Click()
Picture1.DrawWidth = 3
For i = 1 To 400
Picture1.Circle (200, 200), i, RGB(0, 0, i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Picture1.BackColor = &H80000009 'this button clears the image and sets the scale width and scale height
Picture1.ScaleHeight = 400 'of the picturebox back to 400
Picture1.ScaleWidth = 400
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Timer1.Interval = 200 'starts the timer
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Timer1.Interval = 0 'stops the timer
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Picture1.BackColor = &H80000009 'this functions clears then subtracts 10 from the scale height and scale width of the picture box
Picture1.ScaleWidth = Picture1.ScaleWidth - 10 'then redraws the curved lines to make it look like your getting closer to the lines
Picture1.ScaleHeight = Picture1.ScaleHeight - 10
Call Cmdcurve_Click
If Picture1.ScaleHeight < 40 Then Timer1.Interval = 0 'stops the timer when picture1.scaleheight < 40 because if it didn't there would be an overflow error